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中壓應用中電流互感器 (CT) 的 IEC 和 NEMA/IEEE 額定值:
IEC and NEMA/IEEE ratings of current transformers (CTs) in medium voltage applications
Metering and protection purpose
First, let’s remind ourselves of the basics in a few sentences. That is something you must know. A current transformer (CT) is designed to produce a secondary current which is accurately proportional to the primary current. It consists of a single primary winding, which an external busbar or cable runs through, or it can have a single primary bar, brought out to two ends for termination.
A medium voltage current transformer can have up to three independent secondary winding sets. The entire current transformer assembly is encapsulated in resin, inside an insulated casing. Current transformers are used for metering or protection purposes.
The accuracy class and size depends on the individual application – for example, revenue metering would use high accuracy metering CTs.
Just to note, it’s very important to never leave the secondary winding of a CT open circuit. This creates extremely high voltages which pose a real danger to personnel.
Ok, let’s get on the IEC and later NEMA ratings of a current transformer. Some rating explanations have exercises and real examples, which I hope it will help for better understanding.
1. IEC Ratings
1.1 Rated primary current: Ipr (A)
The primary current rating of a CT must be greater than the expected maximum operating current it is monitoring.
Standard values for Ipr are: 10, 12.5, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75 A, and decimal multiples of these values (source: IEC 60044-1)
1.2 Rated secondary current: Isr
The secondary current rating of a CT is either 1 A or 5 A. CTs with a 5 A secondary rating are becoming less common as more CT driven equipment becomes digital. For long secondary cable runs, CTs with 1 A secondary windings can minimize the transformer and secondary cable size.
1.3 Transformer ratio: Kn
This is the ratio of secondary to primary winding turns: Kn = Ns/Np = Ipr/Isr
1.4 Rated thermal short-time withstand current: Ith (kA)
This is the highest level of rms primary fault current which the CT can endure, both thermally and dynamically, for 1 second without damage. When used in a medium voltage enclosure, the Ith rating should match the short-time withstand rating of the entire switchgear.
1.5 Overcurrent coefficient: Ksi
This is the ratio of a CT’s short-time withstand current rating to its primary current rating:
Ksi = Ith/Ipr
This coefficient indicates how difficult it would be to manufacture a CT. A higher coefficient means a physically larger CT, which is more difficult to manufacture.
- If Ksi < 100 it’s easy to manufacture
- If Ksi 100 ~ 500 it’s difficult to manufacture, with certain limitations
- If Ksi > 500 it’s extremely difficult to manufacture
1.6 Rated primary circuit voltage: Up (kV)
The primary circuit voltage rating indicates the level on insulation provided by the CT. If a ring type CT is installed around a cable or bushing, the insulation level can be provided by the cable or bushing.
1.7 Rated frequency: fr (Hz)
This rating must match the system’s operating frequency. Standard frequencies are 50 Hz and 60 Hz. It’s very important to be cautios, because a 50 Hz CT can be used on a 60 Hz system, but a 60 Hz CT cannot be used on a 50 Hz system.
1.8 Rated real output power (VA)
The maximum power a CT secondary can deliver, to guarantee its accuracy and performance. The total sum VA (including cable, connectors and load) must not exceed the rated real output power of the CT. Standard values are: 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 15 VA.
Cable burden can be calculated the following way: VAcable = k × L/S, where:
- k = 0.44 for 5 A secondary, = 0.0176 for 1 A secondary
- L = total feed/return length of cable (m)
- S = cross sectional area of copper cable (mm2)
Metering instrument burden:
- Metering instrument (digital) = 1 VA (approx.)
- Metering instrument (electromagnetic or induction) = 3 VA (approx.)
- Transducer (self powered) = 3 VA (approx.)
Protection instrument burden:
- Protection instrument (digital) = 1 VA (approx.)
- Protection instrument (electromagnetic overcurrent) = 3-10 VA (approx.)
1.8.1 Exercises
Exercise #1 – A CT with a 1 A secondary is connected to an electromagnetic ammeter located 10 m away, using 2.5 mm2 copper cable.
Calculate the minimum required VA rating of the CT.
- VAcable = k × L/S = 0.0176 × 20/2.5 = 0.14 VA
- VAammeter = 3 VA
- VAtotal = 0.14 + 3 = 3.14 VA
The total burden is 3.14 VA. Use a 5 VA CT.
Exercise #2 – A CT with a 5 A secondary is connected to a digital protection relay located 2 m away, using 1.5 mm2 copper cable.
Calculate the minimum required VA rating of the CT.
- VAcable = k × L/S = 0.44 × 4/1.5 = 1.17 VA
- VAammeter = 1 VA
- VAtotal = 1.17 + 1 = 2.17 VA
The total burden is 2.17 VA. Use a 2.5 VA CT.
1.9 Metering class
A metering class indicates the accuracy of the CT secondary current at 5 to 125% of rated primary current. Above this level, the CT starts to saturate and the secondary current is clipped to protect the inputs of a connected metering instrument.
- General metering CT would use a metering class CL 0.5 – 1.0
- Revenue metering CT would use a metering class CL 0.2 – 0.5
- Saturation
- Linear operating range, at accuracy class tolerance
1.10 Protection class CT
A protection class CT provides a linear transformation of the primary to secondary current at high overload levels. This characteristic makes them suitable for use with overcurrent protection relays.
A relay trip setting is normally 10~15 times the maximum load current and this level should fall on the linear part of the CT secondary current curve. If a CT saturates before the relay trip level is reached, the fault will remain undetected, leading to equipment damage and serious danger to personnel.
Typical protection class CT ratings are 5P10, 5P15, 5P20.
- Saturation
- Linear operating range, at accuracy class tolerance
- Ideal protection setting trip zone 50%~100% ALF
1.10.1 Example
A 200/1 A CT has a protection class rating of 5P15. The secondary current is guaranteed to be linear up to 15 times the rated primary current. The secondary current will be 1 A (+/-1%) at 200 A primary current and 15 A (+/-5%) at 3000 A primary current.
For guaranteed operation, any overcurrent trip setting should be between 7.5 ~ 15 A secondary current.
1.11 Selection of current transformers
The main considerations for selecting a CT are the primary and secondary current ratio, real output power rating (VA) and accuracy class. Secondary selection considerations are rated primary voltage, frequency and thermal short-time withstand current.
1.11.1 Primary and secondary current ratio
Rated primary current: Ipr (A)
Source | Rated primary current Ipr (A) |
Incomer from transformer | Ipr ≥ 1.0-1.25 of nominal source current |
Feeder to transformer | Ipr ≥ 1.0-1.25 of transformer’s rated primary current |
Feeder to motor | Ipr ≥ 1.0-1.5 of motor full load current |
Feeder to capacitor bank | Ipr ≥ 1.3-1.5 of nominal capacitor current |
Rated secondary current: Isr (A)
- Use 1 A and 5 A for local installation
- Use 1 A for remote installation
1.11.2 Real output power (VA)
The real output rating of the CT must be the next highest nominal size above the expected total burden on the CT secondary. Total burden is the sum of output cable, connectors and instruments.
1.11.3 Class type
Use a metering class CT for metering and indication. A higher class CT gives greater accuracy between the primary and secondary currents.
1.11.4 Exercise
Select appropriate CTs for the following transformer incomer and feeder circuits.
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